Katy Haggerty: ‘Tis the Season to be Jolly

Congratulations to seven year old by Katy Haggerty who won first place in the Under 12s category of the Wight Fair Writers’ Circle Christmas Writing Competition 2011. Sit back and enjoy her short story. In her own words. Ed

An elfHi, my name is Tinsel and I would like to tell you what happened last Christmas Eve. I am an elf, a usual, kind, happy elf but last Christmas one particular elf wasn’t like I was, they were in BIG trouble! Oh, what happened last Christmas Eve I hear you ask? You will just have to wait and see”¦

It all began when one elf didn’t get what he wanted. A competition was held for all elves to enter, the prize was a lifetime experience for two elves to go EVERY Christmas Eve to help Santa deliver his presents and ride with the reindeers.

The competition poster went up all over Hollygreen, the land of the elves. It was a fantastic poster decorated borders in red and gold and silver bells hung from a unicorn’s horn. Each elf who wanted to enter had to write their own single poem that Santa would pick a winner and runner up from.

All over Hollygreen, elves of all different kinds started to write their poems. They were all very exciting to read … but one elf called Snowbad had other ideas. He wasn’t writing a poem! He was thinking about how he could steal an elves poem! Guess who that elf was? That’s right it was me Tinsel. He picked me because I was well known in Hollygreen to be a good poet. I had written my poem, had hid it in my little secret purple tin that had a sparkly fairy on top. I placed it carefully under my pillow.

It was the night before the big day handing in your poem. I was so excited I couldn’t get to sleep because the only thing I could think about was my poem! After a while I drifted off to sleep, when guess who came in?

That’s right SNOWBAD! Snowbad very carefully came into my bedroom and slipped his hand under my pillow and he pulled out my tin! As quick and quiet as a mouse he left.

Next morning I woke up to find my poem gone! I was in tears because I didn’t have time to write another one.

Santa called each elf to read out their poems. I was sat in the audience when Snowbad came on. I was in shock when I heard him read out the words I had written. I couldn’t say a word, I was so upset, I ran outside and cried and cried and cried until the end of the show.

Santa was about to call out the winners and guess who one of them was”¦”¦

Santa said proudly, ” Snowbad come to the stage.”

Snowbad hurried on stage thinking he had won, however, Santa said, “Snowbad you are in such big trouble. You have stolen one of these elves poems.” As he pointed to everyone in the audience.

“I think I know whose it is,” said Santa “Come up here Tinsel.”

I hurried to Santa. Santa asked, “Is this your work?”

I replied “Yes”.

As quick as he could Snowbad tried to run off the stage but Santa’s magical powers caught him and brought him back.

“IS THIS TRUE?” Santa said in anger.

“Oh no” said Snowbad.

“Are you sure?” asked Santa, “Give me the truth.”

“”¦.Alright, I did it”

The audience gasped, “Huhhhhh”

After that Santa took Snowbad to the head elf to be punished. Guess what the head elf said? “You should NEVER have done this you little thief, but you know for next time. NEVER steal anything again.”

That Christmas Eve was a wonderful magical feeling when I, Tinsel, got to ride in Santa’s gold and red sleigh.

The moral to this story is … never steal things to get what you want!

The End

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