Largest Solar Storm In Five Years Shouldn’t Affect Us Too Much

Thanks to Donna Woodward Taylor for sharing news this morning about a solar storm that is heading our way. But don’t panic, it isn’t expected to affect us very much in the UK.

Solar StormAccording to an article in the Guardian, an “eruption on the surface of the sun, known as a coronal mass ejection (CME), has led to a ‘massive amount of solar particles heading towards Earth’, which are due to hit the planet between 6am and 10am on Thursday morning, a Met Office spokesman said. But he added that the phenomenon was likely to go unnoticed by most.”

May affect National Grid
We’re warned that there is a chance that the solar storm may affect the National Grid and energy suppliers are on alert.

There’s also a chance that it will also cause communication problems affecting satellites and possible radio blackouts.

For those with clear skies (sadly not predicted for the UK), the Met Office say there’s an increased chance of seeing aurora borealis or Northern Lights.


Image: Nasa Goddard Space Flight Center under CC BY 2.0

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