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Letter: The Conservatives’ sense of entitled superiority makes them totally unfit for office

OnTheWight always welcomes a Letter to the Editor to share with our readers – unsurprisingly they don’t always reflect the views of this publication. If you have something you’d like to share, get in touch and of course, your considered comments are welcome below.

This from David Hammond, Newport. Ed

The idea that Rishi Sunak cared about the people during the pandemic has to be the biggest load of hogwash currently being spun by the Conservative Party.

Our elderly were thrown under a bus at the beginning of Covid

I believe that Rishi’s ‘eat out to help out’ policy helped to spread the virus, earning him the nickname amongst many health professionals as ‘Dr Death’. 

Impact on economy
In my view, all that Rishi Sunak, as then Chancellor, was concerned about was how Covid was adversely effecting the economy, whilst all the time in Downing Street behind closed doors the partying was in full swing.

Contempt for the public
When asked about one of the Parties, Senior No 10 aide Allegra Stratton chuckled and referred to it as a ‘business meeting’, whilst others claimed  PM, Boris Johnson, was ambushed by cake. 

Let’s not forget the total contempt many Conservatives, like our very own Islander MP, Bob Seely, had for the British people during the worse days of the Covid pandemic.

Unfit for office
It tells you everything you need to know. You don’t need to drive to Barnard Castle to test your eyesight, it’s all there, clear as day.

Their complete arrogance and sense of entitled superiority makes them totally unfit for any office, or position of responsibility.