Letter To The Editor: Withdrawal Of Bus Payments For Faith Schools

We’re always happy to share the view of readers on issues affecting the Isle of Wight. This letter to the editor arrived from ‘Concerned Mother’ for publication on VB. If you have something you want to share, get in touch. Ed

Money in handHaving moved here about 10 years ago and finding myself pregnant shortly afterward, I began, when the time came, to look for a suitable school for my child to attend, bearing in mind I needed to work.

I had chosen to live in Ventnor – I had no choice in my area apart from a church school – which I was, initially very against.

Is it reasonable to ask me to pay?
Then I had to work out which school would, in my view, give my child the best education and which school my child-minder could pick my son up from so I could continue to work.

I now have this question which I will also be writing to our councillors about. Suppose it is in my child’s best interests to attend Christ the King, as most of his friends will be going there – is it now reasonable that I pay a large sum of money to get him there, being as I had no choice as to whether to send him to a church or a state school in the first place?

Further, what would happen on the Island were all the Church schools to close? I suggest we’d have to build new schools – we’d have to provide the infrastructure to support that and we’d have no choice.

Much as I despise organised religions, I can only see benefits for my son’s educational possibilities through the churches in Ventnor.

Image: Abbynormy under CC BY 2.0