Live Wired: Don’t Forget To Vote

Live Wired: Don't Forget To VoteJust in case you’ve had your head in the sand over the last month or so, don’t forget that this Friday (7th) is the last day you can vote for your favourite band in the Live Wired competition being run by The County Press and Platform One

There are loads of excellent Island bands (many who we’d never heard of) who have entered and if you pop over to the website, you can check out the entrants and even listen to the tracks.

The five bands with the most votes by Friday will get through to a live heat which is being held at The Studio, Newport, on Wednesday 9 January.

So let your fingers do the talking. The firm favourite in the VB office is the Making Sense Song by The Wild Oats and St George’s School. If you haven’t bought your copy yet, get on down to Waterstones book shop in Newport, Strings Guitar shop in Monkton Street, Ryde or through The Wild Oats website.

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