Sandown Town Hall

Long-neglected historic building has positive future for young people with £3m+ funding (updated)

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The Isle of Wight council has landed a significant win in its bid for a financial boost, netting more than £3 million in funding.

The money is set aside for the provision of extended youth and community services in Sandown.

A lifeline for derelict Sandown Town Hall
The funding, which forms part of phase two of the government’s Youth Investment Fund, was confirmed by the government this morning.

Its purpose is manifold, but notably includes the renovation of the historic Sandown Town Hall, a building that has been lying derelict for years.

Expanded youth services for Sandown
The details of the award paint a picture of a considerable enhancement of community services for the town’s youth.

The Isle of Wight Youth and Community Service, which offers extensive activities and support to young people aged 13-19 (and up to 24 for those with learning difficulties) across the Island, is due to benefit immensely from this renovation.

The council say it’s estimated the youth programme will serve over 200 young people per week, with activities such as sports and study sessions and access to a sound studio for music practice being made available.

Back of Sandown Town Hall

A multifaceted hub for youth
The restored building will feature an array of physical activity sessions designed to engage young people.

A ‘youth hub’ will be established on the lower level of the building, providing a quiet space for study with access to resources such as books, computers, and free Wi-Fi.

The hub will also be open for drop-in sessions for support, mentoring activities, skills development, or simply as a peaceful retreat.

It’s worth noting that this facility will be accessible to all, with specific weekday times set aside for NEET young people (those Not in Education, Employment, or Training).

Supporting SEND young people
In addition to the above, the funding will enable the expansion of outreach sessions, with the aim to increase the number of Supported Internships for young people with SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) using the youth hub study spaces.

The £3,110,090 award is expected to make a significant impact on the lives of young people in Sandown, breathing new life into an important historic site, while creating crucial opportunities for the next generation.

Wadsworth: Continuously consulted with young people
Julian Wadsworth, Community Resilience Coordinator for the Bay area & Youth Intervention Development Officer from Community Action Isle of Wight said,

“We have continuously consulted with young people through various settings regarding their aspirations, needs and challenges and empowered them to have a voice in the community.

“The creation of an accessible, credible, and safe youth space has been highlighted by all young people as their number one need and we look forward to working with young people, the Isle of Wight Council, and other local partners to make the Town Hall a wonderful new home for young people in the Bay area.”

Boyd: Fantastic news
Director of The Common Space Ian Boyd, who requested the Town Hall be listed as an Asset of Community Value in 2021 said,

“This is fantastic news for Sandown, the Bay, and the whole Island.

“We very much look forward to supporting the project and seeing it deliver real and lasting community benefit.”

Cansdale: Putting young people at the heart of the design
The Isle of Wight council’s Area Regeneration Programme Manager Laura Cansdale, said,

“It is fantastic news and demonstrates how a strong partnership approach can deliver results in place making.

“We now have a great opportunity for us to apply the local priorities and principles emerging from the Bay Area Place Plan, to develop a facility that puts young people at the heart of the design and really works for the community today.”

The project is expected to be completed in Spring 2025.

Article edit
9.58am 4th Aug 2023 – Comment from JW, IB and LC added