Spring flowers

Make a date with the Breathe Easy Spring Fair

Thanks to Ann Procter for this latest news from Island charity, Breathe Easy. Ed

Breathe Easy is holding a Spring Fair at Newport Parish Hall in Town Lane on Saturday, 30th May from 11am until 3pm.

Cakes Tombola
White elephant
Children’s games
Raffle Cards
Refreshments Books
Jewellery ….and much more!

The aim is to raise money to go towards purchasing an ultra sound scanner to be used by the Respiratory Department in their new Appley Ward, due to open shortly.

We have recently been able to purchase two new treadmills and an exercise bike for the rehabilitation gym, to replace the well-worn equipment.

What is Breathe Easy?
Breathe Easy was started in 2000 by Sarah Kearney, our Respiratory Nurse Specialist, and the main aim is to offer help and support to all Islanders suffering from any kind of lung complaint, ranging from childhood asthma to lung cancer.

Breathe Easy carries out a variety of fundraising events throughout the year as well as exercise classes in the gym for people who have been referred to them.

Keep Active groups in the wider community have been formed for the growing number of people who are realising how much their health is improving by exercising under the care of our BLF instructor Andy Savage.

Image: tenspeedphotography under CC BY 2.0