blown away crew at end of race

Natasha Lambert and her crew cross the finish line of Cross-Atlantic Race

Inspirational Isle of Wight sailor, Natasha Lambert, and her crew have completed their cross Atlantic race.

At 10.39am (GMT) Blown Away, the yacht adapted for Tash, who was born with Athetoid Cerebral Palsy and confined to a wheelchair, crossed the finish line in St Lucia.

Natasha Lambert at the start line for Atlantic Crossing Race

Team Blown Away set off from Gran Canaria on 22nd November and have to endure some pretty awful storms, but this morning (Friday), after sailing for 18 days, 21 hours and 39 minutes, the team came eighth in the Multihull class and 28th overall.

Well done to you all; Tash; Mandy (Mum); Rachel (Sister); Gary (Dad); Angela Cross; Mike Acton; Neil Oliver and Sue Bailey.

 The Isle of Wight is very proud of you all!

Show your support
Tash had hoped to raise £30,000 for three charities; the MissIsle Charity, The Ellen Macarthur Cancer Trust and The RNLI, whilst doing the cross-Atlantic challenge.

The Just Giving total currently stands at £6,271, so hopefully that will jump up now the challenge has been completed.

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