Children at Naturezones wildlife centre

Naturezones seeks dedicated individuals to join new Heritage Lottery Funded project

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Following on from the wonderful news about a Heritage Lottery Fund grant , Naturezones are now looking for people to help us run this new HLF project.

Outreach Co-ordinator
The Outreach Co-ordinator role will reach out to schools and communities promoting the opportunities that are offered at Naturezones.

Activities Co-ordinator
This is a creative and marketing post with the aim connecting with the Island community

Conservation and Volunteer Co-ordinator
This is a great post for someone who likes working with people and showing conservation skills, who loves working outdoors managing a conservation area.

Find out more
Full details and application forms can be located on the Naturezones website.

Naturezones is a micro, not-for-profit organisation with big dreams and ideas.

Naturezones are now in their 18th year and the recent funding granted to us by the Heritage Lottery Fund is to help them re-boot after the downturn of the last four years by reconnecting with communities.

Naturezones is seeking keen people that will help us in this task.

Our thanks to Naturezones for sponsoring this job ad.  They and other businesses and organisations taking paid promotion enables you to continue reading OnTheWight for free.