Phil shares this latest news on behalf of the Island Independent Network. Ed
On Friday 28th September the Island Independent Network hosted a Local Government Association ‘Be a Councillor’ presentation at the Riverside Centre in Newport.
The Leader of the Local Government Association Independent Group, Marianne Overton MBE, gave an inspiring talk to a full room in which she explained how concerns over local planning issues led her to become involved in local politics and how she found that being free of the constraints of national party political organisations allowed local issues to be dealt with in the interests and for the benefits of local residents.
Serving the local community
Leader of the elected Island Independent group of Councillors, Ian Stephens, also spoke and showed how the Independent Administration that controlled the Isle of Wight Council between 2013–2017 had successfully run the Council free of national party political control, which had allowed issues such as Education, Children’s Services, Island Roads and the Waste Contract to be brought under control and developed in a way to serve the local community.
Launch of new Island Independent Network
Attendees were also introduced to the new Island Independent Network, currently being established with the support of the Local Government Association Independent Group, to provide support and guidance for those wishing to stand as Councillors – but not as part of one of the national political parties – and to offer a clear, Island focused, alternative choice at local elections.
Free of nationally derived political party policies
Marianne Overton, Leader of the Local Government Association Independent Group said:
“I was delighted to be able to come to the Island and speak to potential new Independent Councillors. The Isle of Wight has shown how a Local Authority can be successfully run by Independent Councillors focused on the interests of local residents rather than subject to the pressures, direction and control of inappropriate nationally derived political party policies.
“I believe there is every hope that the Island will be governed again by an Independent Administration which will enable many of the issues it faces to be properly addressed in the future.”
Addressing unique issues faced by residents
Cllr Phil Jordan, Chairman of the Island Independent Network said:
“In their talks, Marianne and Ian Stephens showed how Independent politicians can be more successful than those subject to national party political direction and ‘whips’. The key to enabling this success is to bring together those who wish to act to benefit local residents and provide organisation and support. With the assistance of the Local Government Association Independent Group the new Island Independent Network is doing just that.
“The future for the Isle of Wight has to be about addressing the unique issues faced by residents rather than the Island just becoming a power base for a national political party with nationally oriented aims delivering national government policies.
“We will be holding further events in the coming months to bring together those who wish to see politics on the Isle of Wight free from national political party direction and policy, which has been and continues to be so damaging to our Island.”
Get in touch
In the meantime those interested in standing as Independent Councillors, whether at County or Town & Parish level, or even in supporting the Independent Network on the Island should contact: or by telephoning 07929 376375
Image: nadineheidrich under CC BY 2.0