New Forest Relocates To East Cowes

New Forest Relocates To East CowesPardon? I hear you ask. Don’t worry, we’re not talking about the actual New Forest, that would be rather hard to do. We’re referring in fact, to a new painting project in East Cowes.

Cowes based artist Tim Johnson has recently been commissioned by Island 2000 to, as they so beautifully put it, “soften the environmental impact of the long-term installation of blue hoardings around the town’s development areas”.

So, if you’re planning to head up to Cowes on Saturday for The Big Draw, keep your eyes peeled for yet more superb street art.

For some background on what has been created, Tim explains :
“I was really excited to work on a large painting project like this – my brief to make something eye-catching, colourful and relevant to the location.

During the work I am doing on another No Barrier’s project – photographically documenting inside the barriers, I discovered a lovely selection of derelict gardens and non native garden trees such as Eucalyptus, Cordaline and Blue Spruces.

New Forest imaginatively depicts these hidden treasures whilst also referring to the new developments to come. Architects and designers frequently use graphic icons representing idealised trees in their models and plans. Similarly my trees – colourful and perhaps native to children’s books and textile lands, express a desire for a greener future”.

You can read more about the project over on the Island 2000 blog.