new council Website

New Isle of Wight council Website is now live

If you head over to today you will see that the council’s Website has now been updated to its new version.

The approach, at launch at least, is to display a set of text options at the top of the site, to help people find what they want as quickly as possible.

On that point, it’s impressively fast – click on a link and the page is there, near-instantly. 

Covid delays
It’s been around three years since the project started. The original beta site launch had been planned for September 2020, but then Covid hit.

Covid had been given as the reason for some of the delay – when the pandemic hit, the council had to move a lot of jobs around, shifting them away from their normal focus towards dealing with the demands Covid brought – this was the case for the team dealing with the new version of the site.

It’s taken some concentrated effort since then to make sure it gets over the line and available to the public in the form it is today.

The project has been available as a Beta site for the past ten months – Always a good idea to find out what’s working, gathering thoughts and feedback from users.

Back in April last year, the council were saying the Website development had cost £765,000 at that point. It’s unclear what the total costs for the site was, now launched.

Visit the new Isle of Wight council site