someone standing by a smiley that is painted onto the road

Newport High Street welcomes award-winning health and social care service

The living Well and early help service now have a weekday presence on Newport High Street. 

The service, which recently won a prestigious national award for transforming health and social care is based in the new premises for Newport and Carisbrooke community council at 64 High Street in the town.

Supporting those in need
The Living well and Early help service is funded by the Isle of Wight council and run by a partnership of community hubs across the Island. 

They exist to support members of the community who are experiencing isolation and loneliness, poor mental or physical health or financial difficulties. 

Allowing easier face to face access to support
Trevor Nicholas, Chief Executive of Aspire Ryde who manage the service said,

“Our model for engagement with communities is to allow easier face to face access to support and being based alongside the community council and other organisations gives us a great opportunity to do this.”

Hopkins: We’re forward to supporting people
Kate Hopkins, Community Outreach team lead for the service said,

“We are really pleased to be able to offer a space with high street access. 

“The team here are looking forward to supporting people through our various services.”

Supported more than 3,000 people
The Living Well and Early help service last year supported over 3,000 people across the Island and continues to expand the number of groups and community initiatives that it provides.

News shared by Trevor on behalf of Aspire Ryde. Ed

Image: Jacqueline Munguia under CC BY 2.0