Canvas 10 team celebrating with bubbly

Newport’s Canvas10 shines as 38th Best Nail Salon at UK Hair and Beauty Awards

Newport nail salon, Canvas10, is elated to announce its national recognition for dedication to quality and excellence, securing the 38th spot for Best Nail Salon in the UK at the prestigious UK Hair and Beauty Awards on Saturday.

This esteemed national ranking comes after a highly competitive selection process, with thousands of entrants from across the country vying for the top spots. Achieving this recognition highlights Canvas10’s commitment to providing outstanding nail services and exceptional customer care, setting it apart in the fiercely competitive beauty industry.

From humble beginnings
Founded by Ella Topping, Canvas10 has come a long way in just under a year. Starting from humble beginnings, the salon has grown to become a nationally celebrated establishment. This journey from a single rented desk to a deluxe salon is a testament to the hard work, creativity, and resilience of the Canvas10 team.

Canvas10 is dedicated to using only the finest quality UK brands, emphasising a commitment to nail health education and delivering the highest quality manicures. Their recent launch of a new cuticle oil range, handcrafted and locally sourced on the Isle of Wight, further reflects the salon’s commitment to excellence and support for the local community.

Topping: A dream come true
Ella Topping said,

“We are incredibly honoured to receive national recognition.

“Securing 38th place for Best Nail Salon in the UK, amid such tough competition, is a dream come true and a testament to the passion and dedication of our team over the past year. We owe this success to our loyal clients and the unwavering support of our local community. We’re beyond excited for what the future hold for us.”

Celebrating the best in the industry
The UK Hair and Beauty Awards celebrate the best in the industry, bringing together top talents from across the country. Canvas10’s achievement in this highly competitive arena underscores its status as a leading salon, both locally and nationally.

News shared by Ella on behalf of Canvas10, in her own words. Ed