The free day-long event at Quay Arts the weekend after next features the likes of Todd MacFarlane, the illustrator for Judge Dredd, writer for Marvel Comics' Transformers and more
Working parents who pay into the Tax-Free Childcare account can access up to £2,000 a year to pay for regulated childcare, including holiday clubs and other out-of-school activities, during the Easter holidays
The Principal at Cowes Enterprise College says the award is testament to the hard work of staff, students, and countless partners and businesses across the Isle of Wight who have been pivotal in enabling the school to deliver maritime learning
Military and Public Services students at IW College are doing a 3,480 mile Fun Run - covering the distance to Kyiv and back again - to raise money to ship donations to the refugees in bordering countries of Ukraine
As well as ticketed events, this year there'll be plenty of free events as part of the festival fringe in Newport town centre during the Easter hols. Ticketed events sell out fast so act now
Almost half of the young people surveyed said they felt terribly alone and isolated, with more than a third of 11 to 25-year-olds deliberately hurting themselves
These young people perform a vital role in their families, whether it's caring for a sibling or parent, and despite the positive benefits of gaining new skills, the life of a young carer can be very lonely