vaccine bottles

No shortage of Covid booster vaccine on the Isle of Wight, says CCG

It’s taken over a week for the answer to arrive, but the Isle of Wight CCG have today (Wednesday) confirmed there is no shortage of the Covid-19 booster vaccination on the Island.

For several weeks, News OnTheWight has received emails, messages and calls from readers, frustrated at being unable to book their booster vaccinations. When attempting to book an appointment at Riverside Vaccination Centre, they say no slots are offered on the Island, with some readers saying they’ve tried several times a day, every day, with no result.

Many Islanders have been offered slots on the mainland, with some telling us that they have chosen to travel rather than wait any longer.

News OnTheWight has been asking for eight days whether there is a shortage of the booster jabs, where and how residents can get a walk-in booster jabs and other questions.

Nisbet: We have sufficient vaccine supplies
Finally today, Dr Matt Nisbet, clinical lead for the Hampshire and Isle of Wight COVID-19 vaccination programme, told News OnTheWight,

“Almost a year into the programme we are still vaccinating around 5,500 people every week on the Isle of Wight, which is a truly huge achievement by all of the staff and volunteers involved.

“We have sufficient vaccine supplies and dedicated teams are doing all they can to ensure those eligible can take up the offer of a jab on the island – whether it is a first or second dose, or a booster vaccine where appropriate – as soon as possible.

“We continue to be extremely grateful to our colleagues, partners and volunteers for their incredible efforts in protecting those in our communities who are most at risk from the virus, and work with them to increase capacity.”

How to book
Isle of Wight CCG say that vaccine supplies remain good – the service is operating at, or around, capacity each week.

Those eligible for a booster can access this at their GP practice, which will contact patients when their booster is due. This will normally be a few days before the date from which patients are eligible to receive the vaccination.

No walk-in boosters at Riverside
A spokesperson for the Isle of Wight CCG said,

“Due to an overwhelming response from eligible residents booking appointments to receive their booster vaccines on the Isle of Wight, the Riverside Centre remains very busy.

“Walk-ins are not currently available at Riverside. This is to ensure that we are able to accommodate the number of booked appointments needed.

“We understand that this may be frustrating for those who are not currently able to access their COVID-19 vaccine as quickly as they would like, however dedicated health and care teams across the Island are working hard to provide additional capacity wherever possible.”

Appointments are released via the National Booking System and anyone eligible can continue to try to book via this link each day. You do not need to book an appointment on the mainland.

Image: © DK Photography Isle of Wight