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Nominations now open for the Solent Patient Choice Award

Solent NHS Trust is inviting nominations for the Solent Patient Choice Award. This award recognises those working in Solent who have made an important and unforgettable difference to the lives and experiences of patients and their families.

Did one of the Trust’s fantastic staff members or teams go the extra mile to make a positive difference to you or your family through their care?

Shining a light on outstanding care
The Trust really want to hear from patients, families, carers, and people from our local community who wish to nominate a team or individual from the Trust who they feel deserves special recognition for the difference they have made through providing outstanding care.  

This award is part of the Trust’s Annual Solent Awards which recognise and shine a light on the achievements and difference Solent staff, volunteers and partners make to the people we care for.  

Make your nomination today
To make your nomination please describe, in no more than 300 words, who you would like to thank and why.

You can submit your nomination online.

Alternatively, you can send your nominations by post to: Communications Team, Highpoint Venue, Bursledon Rd Southampton, Hampshire, SO19 8BR

If sending by post, please make sure you include the full name of the individual/team you are nominating and their department or ward (if known). Please also include your name, address, and contact details. If submitting online, please follow the steps to fill in the application form.

Don’t miss the deadline
Nominations are open until midday on Friday 20th May 2022.

The winner(s) of the Patient Choice Award will be announced at the Trust’s Annual Solent Awards ceremony in July 2022.

News shared by Solent NHS Trust, in their own words. Ed

Image: insatiablemunchies under CC BY 2.0

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