Nora Hill Given A Grand Send-Off (video)

Nora Hill was given a grand send-off in Ventnor today as she did a final lap of Ventnor in a horse drawn hearse.

Nora Hill passing through VentnorAround a hundred people came out onto the streets to pay their last respects.

On her final lap, everyone fell silent, but as she came up Pier Street and made her way to the church, the crowds cheered and clapped the popular Ventnorian, who sadly died a few days after her 102nd birthday.

Nora Hill passing through Ventnor

Thanks to Brian Harris for the pic below as the hearse stopped outside the betting shop.

Nora Hill passing through Ventnor

Nora Hill passing through Ventnor

The video below shows the first horse drawn hearse making its way through the town in 126 years.

Rest in peace Nora, you’ll be greatly missed in Ventnor.