The latest news on rubbish collections is pretty surprising.
Yesterday Island Waste were saying that all collections would be one day late this week, meaning Monday’s rubbish got collected yesterday and Tuesday’s collection would have been taking place today.
We now hear that from today onwards, rubbish will be collected on its normal day.
This means that all households who normally gets their rubbish collected on a Tuesday and have put their rubbish out on the street, will have to try and stuff the several bags of rubbish back into their bins for yet another week. By the time it does get collected, it will be three weeks of rubbish.
We really don’t understand why the rubbish couldn’t continue to work on the one day late service, but we’re sure there must be a good reason for it.
There’s always the option of taking your stuff to the tip, now Lynnbottom is open again.
Recycling waste will also be collected, with recycling week ‘B’ beginning next week.