Respect campaign messages - If you bought her a drink would you feel like she owes you?

‘Now is time to learn how you can step up against violence towards women and girls’ says Councillor in new campaign

We all have a role to play in tacking sexual violence – that is the central message in a new campaign – Step Up – jointly unveiled this week by Isle of Wight Council and Portsmouth City Council.

The campaign asks people to step up and challenge their own attitudes and behaviour and to speak out if they see or hear others behaving badly.

Respect campaign messages - Would you shrug off a mate's joke about rape?

Supported by the Home Office’s Safety of Women at Night Fund, the campaign is targeted at challenging how some people think and act on a night out on the Island. Thought-provoking questions like, if you bought a drink, would you feel like she owes you? are being shared on posters with venues like pubs and clubs, organisations such as sports clubs, and on social media.  

Respect campaign messages - Would you put it down to banter?

Stephens: Island men have a vital role in helping make the Island a safer environment
Cllr Ian Stephens, Isle of Wight Council Cabinet lead for community safety, said,

“It’s a sad reality that most women or girls will have experienced some type of harassment or abuse in public spaces. Time and time again, the onus for keeping themselves safe has been placed on women and girls. This campaign is designed to make us all stop and think about the attitudes we may have written off as ‘normal’ or ‘flirting’ on a night out in the past and asks us all to call it out if we see or hear something that’s not right.

“Around 80 per cent of reported sexual offences on the Island have a female victim, with a high percentage committed against women under 24 years old. Island men have a vital role in helping make the Island a safer environment.

“Now is the time to learn how you can step up against violence towards women and girls – think about your own behaviour and that of your mates. Call out the ‘banter’ or challenge your mate if he’s making sexually explicit comments or offer support if you see someone being hassled in a bar or club.”

Respect campaign messages - Would you keep trying it on if you got knocked back?

Other initiatives
The campaign is one of several related initiatives being rolled out by both councils in partnership with local organisations including Paragon, People Matter Isle of Wight and Portsmouth Abuse and Rape Counselling Service (PARCS).

Respect campaign messages - Would you say she's asking for it?

Supported by funding from the Home Office and the Hampshire Police Crime Commissioner, the programme aims to raise awareness of violence against women and girls in the community and support people who have experienced harassment and sexual violence.

Respect campaign messages - Would you share naked pics without asking?

To find out more about what you can do to help change attitudes and tackle violence against women and girls, or to find local support if you’ve experienced harassment or abuse visit the Website.

  • Isle of Wight Independent Sexual Violence Adviser Hampton Trust  02380 009898 or visit their Website
  • The Island’s domestic abuse support service Paragon 0800 234 6266
  • Treetops Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) 023 9221 0352
  • Southampton Rape Crisis: 023 8063 6313
  • Hampshire Constabulary: 101 or 999 in an emergency
  • Broken Rainbow (LGBT): 0300 999 5428
  • Local support is available for women and girls affected by sexual violence through Portsmouth Abuse and Rape Counselling (PARCS)
  • You can use the pilot service StreetSafe to anonymously tell the police about public places where you have felt or feel unsafe  
Respect campaign messages - Touch. Grab. Kiss. Sex. without consent, it's a crime

News shared by Isle of Wight council press office, in their own words. Ed