jonathan bacon

Oil drilling application runs counter to Isle of Wight Biosphere aims, says AONB head

Jonathan Bacon, Chair of the Isle of Wight Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) shares this latest news. Ed

Many people have rightly cited the Isle of Wight Biosphere as a reason to oppose the UKOG application for oil drilling in Arreton.

Specific management and leadership for the Biosphere has not been fully created yet due to the lockdown, however, as the AONB currently have day-to-day management of the Biosphere, the Chair of the AONB Steering Committee, Jonathan Bacon, has submitted representations in respect of the current oil drilling application on behalf of the Biosphere.

Jonathan Bacon said

“Clearly the proposals run counter to the Biosphere. Biosphere status was awarded due to the support and protection for environment in Island’s policies. The commitment to the Biosphere status has recently been reiterated by the Isle of Wight Council in the recently launched Visitor Charter and by the Council Leader in response to a question posed at the recent Full Council Meeting where he stated:

“The Administration recognises the importance of the UNESCO Biosphere to the Isle of Wight. The Biosphere principles will continue to influence our plans and strategies as we move forward, and our commitment to such principles will come to the fore in our emerging Climate and Environment Strategy.”

“My submission notes that the Isle of Wight’s planning policies have been accepted by UNESCO as supporting the aims of the Biosphere. This application clearly runs counter to these aims as it proposes pollution, traffic chaos and environmental damage therefore it clearly contravenes current policy.

“It is also a key feature of the Biosphere that it recognises and promotes sustainability. The application further runs counter to the Biosphere by supporting processes and an energy source proposed that are the absolute antithesis of supporting a sustainable environment.”

The Full Text of the submitted to the Isle of Wight Council Planning Department can be found on the planning portal (20/00513/FUL) where readers can leave their comments. The deadline is 24th July 2020. Ed