Isle of Wight Opinion Pieces
OnTheWight is run on journalistic principles of honesty, transparency and balance. Every so often, there will be a subject or issue that the editors or contributors wish to share that reflects their personal opinion.
These Isle of Wight opinion pieces will be clearly marked as such. We believe their inclusion adds to the diversity of content available to readers.
·1 min read
Richard thinks it quite good that vehicles aren't allowed on the pier, and feels healthier for the extra walk each morning
·5 min read
Which pages appear in the council's One Island magazine because they've paid to be there - and how many not? It's quite surprising.
·1 min read
Contemporary artist and photographer, Buron, shares his shots of Bestival 2010 with VB readers
·3 min read
Will the third Banksy piece on the Island be removed or survive?
·2 min read
To not answer straight forward journalistic questions shows a serious misunderstanding at how angry people are about VBG.
·1 min read
Wendy struggles with a crossword clue, but the penny finally drops
·4 min read
Why was no action taken in the past ten years on unreliable lift?
·4 min read
Bob shares his experience of being on a residents' panel to discuss cuts proposed by the Isle of Wight council