Jussna Mateen, accompanied by Pathology colleague Kerry Deacon, hands her cheque to Lesley Myland, who is joined by the Friends' Shop Manager, Lisa Brodie

Over £1,000 raised through Ramadan for hospital charity

Trainee biomedical scientist, Jussna Mateen with the Isle of Wight NHS Trust, has helped to fundraise over £1,000 for the Friends of St Mary’s Hospital charity.

Throughout Ramadan, the holy month of fasting in the Muslim calendar, Jussna and her colleagues in the Pathology Department, decided to donate the money raised through iftar meal orders from her family’s restaurant to the Friends of St Mary’s Hospital. 

Myland: Blown away
On being presented with the cheque, Lesley Myland, Chair of the Friends, said,

“I am really blown away by the money Jussna, her colleagues and her family have helped raised for the Friends. On behalf of everyone, I would like to say a huge thank you.

“It is lovely that this has brought our community all together in this way and it has prompted me to learn more about Ramadan.”

Mateen: Ramadan is also a charitable month
Jussna said,

“We are delighted to have been able to have raised over £1,000 (£1,040) for Friends of St Mary’s as part of Ramadan. Throughout Ramadan we take the time to reflect and remind ourselves what we are fortunate to have.

“Ramadan is also a charitable month so to have been able to have raised the money and support our hospital for the benefit of our Island community is just a small way to show our appreciation.

“The charity does so much behind-the-scenes of our hospital Trust, and are so pivotal in providing assistance to facilities in all our departments around hospital. It just felt right to do such a generous deed for them.”

Stockman: A very generous act from Jussna and her family
Peter Stockman, Head of Service for Blood Sciences said,

“Friends of St Mary’s is a charity close to the hearts of all in Pathology. We all use the facilities they provide, and I feel it is a very generous act from Jussna and her family to combine the charitable aspects of Ramadan to give to this charitable cause.

“It meant we could all come together as a department and feel we were all playing our part in recognising both Ramadan and the charity.”

Image: Jussna Mateen, accompanied by Pathology colleague Kerry Deacon, hands her cheque to Lesley Myland, who is joined by the Friends’ Shop Manager, Lisa Brodie

News shared by George on behalf of Friends of St Mary’s Hospital charity. Ed