montage of scrubs

Over 800 more scrubs made from scratch by Isle of Wight dressmakers

As well as the For the Love of Scrubs Facebook group which OnTheWight featured a couple of weeks ago, there is another army of dressmakers doing their bit to help in the fight against Coronavirus (Covid-19).

The Mountbatten Hospice and NHS Scrubs Isle of Wight Group, created by Karen Robb, has a fantastic team of over 120 dressmakers making scrubs for the community.

Karen told OnTheWight,

“I have many friends working within the NHS and care community and wanted to do something to do something that helped them directly.

“As I cannot do my normal work at the moment of teaching sewing or open my bridal shop, The Dornellie Bridal Studio, I instantly thought to use my own skills and those of my students to make what was required.”

Scrubs made by the Mountbatten Hospice and NHS Scrubs Isle of Wight Group

Pulling it all together
Karen goes on to explain,

“Katie Mew of the Mountbatten Hospice approached me to see what I could do for them and so we began the process of gathering fabric donations and volunteer sewers.”

Scrubs made by the Mountbatten Hospice and NHS Scrubs Isle of Wight Group

The fabric donated has been a mix of duvet covers and sheets as well as Cotton/polycotton fabric. The brighter and cheerier the better.

Scrubs made by the Mountbatten Hospice and NHS Scrubs Isle of Wight Group

“The response was astounding, and every day more people get in touch to help in some way.”

Scrubs made by the Mountbatten Hospice and NHS Scrubs Isle of Wight Group

Not just dressmakers
The group have a team of drivers to ensure nobody has to leave their home, a group doing admin and people to assist in packing and organising.

Rookley Methodist Hall is being used as a hub to organise everything and maintain government guidelines on social distancing and sanitising.

Karen explained,

“The surprising result of this has been the response from the wonderful sewers who have found this to be a help to them. They feel they are directly helping those who are at risk whilst being able to stay home and stay safe.

“We also we have a group on Facebook to help them feel connected to the rest of the world. Friendships are being made, rekindled and they inspire and motivate each other. It is as important to them as to those ultimately we are helping with the scrub making.”

Scrubs made by the Mountbatten Hospice and NHS Scrubs Isle of Wight Group

Over 700 scrubs made by an amazing team
She finished by saying,

“We are an amazing team and cannot wait for the party after all this so I can thank them all personally for supporting me.”

The current number of dressmakers pulling together within the group is over 120 and today’s total of scrubs made is 804.

Scrubs made by the Mountbatten Hospice and NHS Scrubs Isle of Wight Group

They have managed to fulfill the required amount for Mountbatten and six care homes and will continue to do so.

Special thanks
Thanks goes out to all of those who have donated and a very special thank you to the wonderful sewers.

Scrubs made by the Mountbatten Hospice and NHS Scrubs Isle of Wight Group
Scrubs made by the Mountbatten Hospice and NHS Scrubs Isle of Wight Group

Government Covid-19 guidance: Stay alert and stay safe
Wash your hands thoroughly and frequently (video tips).

Social distancing
It is recommended that you maintain at least a two metre gap (about 6.5ft) from people who are not from your household.

Seeking advice
Use the NHS 111 online coronavirus service that can tell if you need medical help and advise you what to do.

Article edit
5pm 30th Apr 2020 – Number of scrubs updated