Young people from Sandown and Lake Youth Forum create powerful and thought-provoking film about living in the Bay area, tackling tough issues and celebrating the beauty of the Isle of Wight. Watch it here
Children's Mental Health Week highlights the importance of support for young people. Urgent action is needed from the government to address decreased funding and lack of resources, says the NEU
Sandown Town Council approves 49.9 per cent council tax increase, affecting Band D properties to rise from £145.70 to £218.40 per year, with £500,000 provision for public works loan criticised
"I am not willing to see this town go backward," says the Mayor as he explains why Band C council tax payers will see a 24p per week increase to the Ryde Town Council part of their council tax
Donna Jones pledges to make anti-social behaviour a priority, carry on investing in youth services and do a complete overhaul of the 101 and 999 services
Local councils say the Isle of Wight council acknowledges they played an important role in supporting vulnerable people during the Covid outbreak, but then rewards them by imposing further burdens on them
As well as a reduction in the local portion of council tax Newport and Carisbrooke residents have to pay for local services, the council share details of new things they will be supporting in the coming year