black and red chair

Parish council resignation following ‘barrage of hate messages and threats of violence’

A publican and councillor on Bembridge Parish Council (BPC) has stood down after threats to ‘burn his business down’.

Jay Chapman, owner of the Old Village Inn on Bembridge High Street, wrote to the chair of BPC, Cllr Liz White, yesterday (Sunday) telling her of his decision to resign.

Chapman: Barrage of hate messages and threats of violence
In his letter, Mr Chapman says the recent one-star food hygiene inspection of his business has been met with ‘a barrage of hate messages and threats of violence via social media and email’.

Mr Chapman said threats of violence had been directed towards himself and his business, which is also his family home.

He said,

“As a result of these targeted attacks to my individual person and threats to ‘burn my business down’, I am left with no other option than to believe that my public position as a volunteer on the parish council has come to a sad end.”

Not first time had to step down
Mr Chapman said it was not the first time he had looked to step down as a ‘direct result of vexations towards him’.

Mr Chapman separately raised grievances with former parish councillor Alasdair Steane, saying recent interactions were a step too far.

Previously, Mr Chapman said he had tolerated clashes and viewed the input he gave to BPC as a benefit for the village.

Accusations against Alasdair Steane
He said his resignation would not be the last time the parish loses a valued and respected member of the council  due to the actions of Mr Steane, who should “be uniting a community rather than destroying it”.

Mr Steane was contacted for a comment, but declined at this stage until he had seen the full documentation.

Issues over co-opted councillors
Mr Steane has in recent weeks raised issues with BPC over the co-option of two new councillors last year.

He alleges his application to return to the council was withdrawn, against his wishes, due to more than one candidate standing for each seat among other issues.

BPC denies the allegations Mr Steane has raised against it.

This article is from the BBC’s LDRS (Local Democracy Reporter Service) scheme, which News OnTheWight is taking part in. Some alterations and additions may have been made by OnTheWight. Ed

Image: Lucas Raggers under CC BY 2.0