Drawings of the proposed Sandown Lifeguard Base

Plans revealed for new Lifeguard Base on Sandown beach

Sandown Town Council have submitted a planning application for a new Lifeguard Station on the beach.

In this last Lifeguard season, there were more than 29,000 visitors to the beach and the safety team undertook over 500 safety actions, including saving two lives.

The collapsible gazebo did not meet needs
The need for a more robust Lifeguard Station comes from the significant issues in doing providing services from the collapsible gazebo. This resulted in limited visibility and poor shelter for staff and those needing first aid.

To avoid impeding the stairs to the beach, the new structure would be slightly to the left of the old lifeguard bases. Plans say it would be permanent, but unobtrusive and similar to existing pilings on most of the Island’s beaches.

Easily recognisable
As you might expect, the Lifeguard base is also designed to be visible to the public by incorporating colours widely associated with beach safety services and to provide an elevated platform to improve the lifeguard visibility of the water and beach.

During the winter months, it would be removed and stored at a different location.

View the plans
You can view the plans on the council’s Planning Portal (22/00591/FUL).

The public consultation is open until 23rd May 2022.