CCTV images of toilet vandal on a background of the police control centre

Police release images of man linked to Wootton Bridge toilet vandalism

Isle of Wight Police are appealing for witnesses and information following an incident of criminal damage in Wootton Bridge.

Between 2.30pm and 2.50pm on Tuesday 9th April, the locks on the door to the public toilets on Brannon Way were broken and a toilet seat was damaged.

We are releasing images of a man we would like to speak to in connection with this incident.

Get in touch
If anyone recognises this person, please call 101 quoting reference 44240149697.

You can also report online.

Alternatively, you can call Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111:

News shared by Hampshire and Isle of Wight Constabulary, in their own words. Ed