You should read the eight-page letter from The Keep Island Line in Franchise (KILF) group to minister Claire Perry and see why they believe the Island is being treated differently to other parts of the country.
Here's Iain McKie's letter in full to Andrew Turner that says the MP "misled the electorate by making a false assertion in [the MP's] 'The Big Issues' election leaflet". McKie provides details that he says support his claim, asking the MP for evidence to the contrary.
Stewart Blackmore says he and other Labour Party members will be holding Andrew Turner to account and making sure the voice of the vulnerable and hard-working but hard-up Islanders is heard loud and clear.
The disruption to incumbent Conservative MP Andrew Turner's election campaign over the last few months has not affected the final outcome of the general election vote. A remarkable result for many reasons. We've got a full breakdown of all the significant points.
OnTheWight has gathered all of the candidates' election mailouts, so if you've chucked them out, or you don't have them with you, you can check the details, if you haven't already voted today.
The prospective parliamentary candidates have shared their views on many local issues over the last month, but do you have any idea how they might vote on a £100bn Trident replacement? We asked the question and found out for you.
The Island Independent group of councillors at the Isle of Wight council explain that although they will work with whoever gets elected as MP for the Island, they believe Ian Stephens is the right man for the job.