If Andrew Turner were to stand down as Conservative candidate, might it be possible the Isle of Wight gains someone like double Olympic gold medallist James Cracknell as the prospective Conservative Party candidate instead.
Wondering who might be in the wings should Andrew Turner be de-selected today or stand down as Conservative candidate in the General Election? OnTheWight has a list of possibles.
OnTheWight has been chatting to the Head of Political Odds at Ladbrokes about the election in May - Not only did he call it 'one of the most interesting contests in the country' but he's given us the low down on the odds. Have they got it right?
Andrew Turner repeatedly said he would ignore any 'No confidence' vote against him by the IWCA Executive members. His detractors are now taking a different approach. OnTheWight has the details of how they aim to remove the very foundation of his selection.
Some might find it strange to choose to announce you're standing as a candidate in the General Election on a day when you're busy with meetings and not available for comment until much later in the day. Bit odd?
OnTheWight learns the real reason why leader of the Isle of Wight council, Ian Stephens, stood down from his role at last night's Full Council meeting.
Another week and another pre-election announcement. Very apt for today as it's the 750th anniversary of what is widely recognised as England’s first Parliament (which is being celebrated by the BBC with their Democracy Day campaign).