natasha lambert

Positive turnaround for Miss Isle’s insurance claim ‘thanks to the intervention of OnTheWight’

OnTheWight are delighted to report that the family of inspirational ‘Sip & Puff’ teenager Natasha Lambert are finally having their insurance claim dealt with correctly, following family friends encouraging this publication’s intervention.

Prior to that Natasha’s family had been given the run around by her insurance company in the lead up to and over Christmas, leaving Natasha without the transport she so badly needs – through no fault of her own.

A happy resolution
Happily, after OnTheWight became involved, Aviva have seen the errors of their ways, committing to resolve the claim to the delight of the family.

Aviva have now offered the family a full settlement of the claim (not the £3,000 less originally offered), £400 compensation as an apology for how the case was handled and a replacement adapted car until the claim is fully settled.

Delighted and relieved
On hearing the news, Mandy Lambert, Natasha’s mum, told OnTheWight,

“We are absolutely delighted and relived that we appear to finally have a resolution to the problems we have experienced replacing our damaged vehicle.

“It has been very frustrating trying to get our insurance Company to address our problems, but thanks to the intervention of OnTheWight, and readers support, we can now obtain a vehicle for Natasha and get mobile again!

“Many thanks OnTheWight and thank you Sally, it really is a big relief!”

Apologies for mishandling case
A spokesperson for Aviva told OnTheWight,

“We are very sorry that Mrs Lambert’s claim has not been handled with the care that we aspire to.

“We have agreed a settlement figure with Mrs Lambert which will allow her to purchase the vehicle she had identified and which will suit her and her daughter’s unique specifications.

“We have also offered £300 to compensate her for the way the claim was handled, plus an additional £100 for the loss of use of her hire car (£20/day) and confirmed we will provide the hire car until the new vehicle is delivered.

“We are looking at how we handled this claim to learn lessons and ensure this situation does not occur again.”

Image: © Miss Isle

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