Ofsted inspectors visiting the Little Stars Pre-School at Yarmouth Primary School last month to assess how the pre-school was performing.
Staff and parents will be pleased to hear that the inspector found the school to be ‘Good’ in all areas.
Highlights from the report include:
- Practitioners have a good knowledge of how children learn and provide a varied and imaginative educational programme, with assessment and planning for individual children. As a result, children make good progress in their learning.
- The key person system is firmly embedded and great care is taken to build strong attachments with all children. This means they feel extremely confident and secure in the setting.
- Partnerships with parents are effective. They are fully involved in the care and learning of the children, which ensures the children receive support and continuity in their learning and development.
- Safeguarding is given a high priority. Hazards to children are identified and minimised, and children are taught how to promote their own safety.
- Partnerships with other professionals are effective in providing for children’s needs. Children make good progress and transitions into the setting are well organised to promote continuity of care and learning.
- Management places a strong emphasis on staff’s professional development in order to further promote children’s learning. For example, speech and language training has helped staff support children’s developing language, particularly where they need additional support.
It is not yet outstanding because:
- Opportunities for children to learn to manage their behaviour are sometimes missed as, on occasion, the staff do not explain the consequences of children’s behaviour as well as they could.
The report
Full details in the report below.