Sue Bailey and Neil Oliver about to unload bikesin Colchester

Re~Cycle Bikes to Africa: Donate your unwanted bikes to this great cause (updated)

Sue shares this latest news. Ed

It’s that time of year when people are trying to de-clutter.

If you have an unwanted bicycle, why not donate it to Re~Cycle Bikes to Africa?

In some parts of Africa it can take up to four hours to get to school, water or other necessities.

What is Re~Cycle: Bikes to Africa?
Re~Cycle: Bikes to Africa provides used bikes from the UK to people in rural Africa who need them and we teach them how to maintain them.

So far, Re~Cycle has sent over 100,000 bikes to Africa – but more are always needed.

Donate your bikes
Take your unwanted bicycles, helmet, spare wheels, and bike tools to Cowes.

Here the bikes are stored, free of charge, until we have a truckload to take to the charity’s headquarters in Colchester.

For more information about the projects to which the bikes go, look at Re~Cycle’s Website

Article edit
1.50pm 20th Dec 2023 – Reference to Inner Spaces removed