Teenagers pumps:

Residents invited to find out more about rescued youth club

Sue shares this latest news from Brading Community Partnership. Ed

Over the last four months much has been done to progress the project to take on and secure the future of Brading Youth Club and building.

  1. A Business Plan has been developed and the application for registration of the Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) has been submitted to the Charities Commission.
  2. Work to transfer the responsibility for the Old School Building from IWC to the BCP is in progress.
  3. Grant funding has been awarded to help finance the Youth Club for next year.
  4. Fund raising events have been held and are being organised.
  5. Repairs to the building have been done with a youth club members cleaning the site.

We are making plans for the management of the Youth Club and building from April, and these include:

  1. Setting up the management of the Youth Club through the CIO.
  2. Seeking to engage the community to be involved by subscribing as Members of the Partnership.
  3. Building up teams of volunteers to help with specific activities, for example building maintenance and repair, fund raising events, running the youth club, etc.
  4. Identification of other community uses for the building as well to provide income

Open event
Therefore the working party invite you to join them at the Brading Youth Club on Wednesday 15th March from 3pm to 7pm

  • Have a tour around the building – see what has been done so far
  • See how the Partnership will support the community
  • Meet the people already involved
  • Find out how you can support or even join in

Together let’s make this happen.

Image: lucorreia under CC BY 2.0