Riverside Centre: Council Shifts Position

There had been a stand-off between the Isle of Wight council and the Riverside Centre over how they should resolve their differences – with Mediation versus Arbitration being the answered question.

Riverside CentreThe council appeared to only consider Arbitration, which is a far more ‘legal’ route involving solicitors and a legally-binding outcome. The Riverside wanted Mediation – far more of a discussion, and apparently lower costs.

IWC agree to Mediation, says Riverside
In a Board statement issued by Riverside Centre Limited this morning, it was disclosed that the IWC have agreed to mediation, it says “are committed to being fully engaged in this process.”

Read: Background on the Riverside Centre dispute with the council

Here’s the full text of the Board statement, dated today.

Riverside Centre Limited

Board statement
15 November 2011

The directors of Riverside Centre Limited, who are also the charity trustees, are obviously aware of press and public speculation concerning the dispute with IWC.

IWCs legal team have asked that every effort be made to keep the dispute out of the public domain, and we have endeavoured to respect this request.

However the board would like to clarify some points:

~ Riverside Centre Limited, and it’s subsidiary Riverside Ventures Limited have adequate funds to meet the suggested claim from IWC in full. Users of the centre, including people booking functions and room hire, should not be concerned about security of deposits.

~ The Board accepts that Riverside has a theoretical financial liability to IWC

~ but are concerned that Riverside has not received payment from IWC for services commissioned by IWC the value of which may well exceed IWCs suggested claim.

~ In the longer term the Board would wish to enter into negotiations with IWC concerning the lease of the centre, to make sure the lease arrangements reflect the building being substantially funded by the local community.

~ The board welcome IWC agreeing to mediation, and are committed to being fully engaged in this process.

Image: Google Street View