Roundup of Anti-Cuts Meetings Over Next Week (updated)

Given the number of anti-cuts meetings taking place over the coming week, and on the suggestion of VB reader Rebecca, we’ve gathered details of all public meetings we’re aware of.

Thursday 6th January
Taking place tonight will be the Save Island Libraries meeting. It is being held at Quay Arts and starts at 7pm.

Next up is the Save the Carnival Learning Centre meeting. This takes place at the CLC in Ryde at 7pm, but you need to confirm attendance first.

Saturday 8th
There is a meeting with Councillor for Chale, Niton and Whitwell, Dave Stewart on Saturday in the Niton Village Hall to discuss the intended closure of the library (See Facebook Group). Starts at 10.30am (thanks to Will for letting us know).

Monday 10th January
Monday sees a meeting for those concerned about the future of Westminster House. The meeting starts at 9.30am and takes place at the Riverside Centre in Newport.

Wednesday 12th January
Wednesday is a busy day with two meetings at the same time in different parts of the Island.

Newport sees a Stop The Cuts meeting take place at The Riverside Centre from 7pm.

Finally, a meeting to discuss the decisions behind closure of the Winter Gardens takes place at the WG from 7pm.

All are welcome to any of the above meetings.

If you know of any other anti-cuts meetings taking place, do get in touch and we’ll update the article.