cigarette butts

Ryde Town Council partners with Planet Aware to curb cigarette butt litter on the coast

Planet Aware, in partnership with Ryde Town Council (RTC), is excited to unveil a trial initiative aimed at tackling cigarette butt litter along the coast. The aim is to draw awareness of the impact of cigarette butt litter on the marine and coastal environment. 

Funded by Sea Changers, the trial area features two ballot boxes where smokers can cast votes on various topics using their cigarette butts. In addition, there are vibrant seaside-themed posters and banners designed by local graphic designer Maya Malfatti.  

It is hoped these will nudge more smokers to think about the environmental impact of cigarette butt littering and to bin their cigarette butts.

Cigarette butts contain harmful toxins
Cigarette butts are composed of cellulose acetate, a type of plastic and contain toxins such as arsenic. They are the most commonly littered item worldwide . They do not naturally biodegrade and they can remain in the marine environment for many years.

It is not just cigarette butts that are left on the beach that are an issue, butts littered in the street and along esplanades can get washed down the drains and out into water courses and onto the beach.

Wildlife can mistake the butts for food
Marine wildlife can mistake the butts for food, for young children playing and crawling in the sand they are potentially harmful and as other types of litter, they degrade the quality of our surroundings with littered butts attracting even more litter.

The trial was due to run at Ryde and Ventnor in the summer however obstacles in acquiring permissions for placement of banners and ballot bins meant that the trial was delayed despite town council support and will now currently only run in Ryde. 

Trial running in Ryde
Positively, Ryde Town  have been able to make the trial possible using their own assets and the trial campaign will run from now through the end of the October half-term and resume again during the Easter holidays.

The aim is then to be able to reuse the posters and materials in another Isle of Wight location as well as continuing  at Ryde. 

Planet Aware IW volunteers said,

“We are grateful for the interest shown from both Ryde and Ventnor councils in our efforts to address cigarette butt pollution. It is great too that businesses near to the trial area have been supportive.

“Our surveys showed that at several times cigarette butt littering was over 120 butts per 100m on the beach  and over 200 per 100m on seafront walkways highlighting the need for action on this type of plastic pollution.

“Cigarette butts are so commonly littered that it is easy  to stop noticing  them as they become part of the background environment but they are basically toxic, plastic litter that is harmful to our marine environment.

“It’s fantastic that Ryde Town Council has provided the necessary support to enable us to fix our ballot boxes and banners and as a key Island tourist destination, it is great they are prepared to lead by example and trial initiatives despite the barriers faced.

“We are also looking forward to our January 2025 meeting, where Councillors will have the opportunity to attend our second Nurdle (plastic pellet) meeting and also share ideas and information regarding cigarette butt pollution. They have signed up for #MotionForTheOcean initiative so we hope they will be inspired to further develop this project.”

Planet Aware hopes more smokers in the community and on holiday will help care for our coast and marine environment by responsibly disposing  their cigarette butts in the provided ballot boxes and in existing street bins.

Encouraging the use of personal ashtrays
The group says  they also encourage the use of personal ashtrays, which are an effective way to ensure cigarette butts are properly disposed of while on the move or at the beach.

A limited number will be made available in the trial area  and  the group is grateful to Lesley’s Nutshell in Ventnor (25 Pier Street) who has found these to be  popular with smokers wanting to dispose of their cigarette butts responsibly.

Find out more
For more information on the trial project  to  volunteer with or support Planet Aware contact [email protected]. Planet Aware is a local community volunteer group with the aim of reducing plastic pollution in the marine environment.

Donate to Planet Aware.

Seachangers give grants to UK marine charities and non-profits for conservation and research projects. See their website for more information.

Want to stop smoking check out the NHS website.

News shared by Sarah on behalf of Planet Aware. Ed