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Sandown councillor withdraws support for Extraordinary General Meeting over budget dispute

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In yet another turn of events at Sandown Town Council, the Extraordinary General Meeting called for 13th March, will now not go ahead.

The meeting had been called for by Cllrs Sue Bett, Debbie Andre and Emily Brothers, who argued that the council followed incorrect process at the recent budget meeting and that matters remained on the table for discussion and resolution.

However, Cllrs Andre and Brothers say that now their colleague, Cllr Sue Betts, has withdrawn her support from the proposed Extraordinary General Meeting, they confirm that this is now cancelled.

Betts: “Satisfied that there is no need to take the matter further”
Cllr Betts posted the following message to social media on Wednesday,

“Following a thorough investigation into policies, procedure, standing orders and advice from several sources I am now satisfied that there is no need to take the matter further and have withdrawn my signature calling for an EGM to discuss.

“I understand this will be disappointing for some residents and I am happy to explain my reasoning in more detail to anyone who wishes to contact me direct or to pass on any comments to Full Council.”

Band D residents will now pay increase of £72.70
In a joint statement, Cllrs Andre and Brothers, said,

“We were all set to challenge Sandown Town Council’s precept increase of 49.9 per cent by exposing legal breaches.

“Having lost the support from other Councillors we are unable to bring the budget back to the table for considered debate. Cllr Betts in a short space of time has gone from abstaining her vote at the budget meeting, to supporting the challenge to reduce the precept, to now supporting the eye-watering increase on local taxpayers.

“Our only intention was to try and get the amount of Town Council precept paid by Sandown families and pensioners as minimal as possible. Unfortunately, Sandown residents in a Band D property will now pay a Town Council tax increase of £72.70 because the other councillors are complicit in supporting Cllr Alex Lightfoot’s so-called amended budget.”

“We will continue to lobby for good governance”
They went on to say,

“We are extremely disappointed that our fellow Sandown Town councillors have countenanced such a financial burden on residents. This includes a half a million pound loan for two toilet blocks, one that Sandown Town Council doesn’t even own, whilst there is a surplus of over £200,000 in the bank.

“We would like to reassure Sandown Residents that we will continue to lobby for good governance and responsible budgets as we understand the cost of living challenges faced by all. We are deeply saddened that other Sandown Town councillors do not feel the same. The increase now set shows little compassion for Sandown residents struggling with rising food, energy and council tax prices.”

Lightfoot: There is now no agenda to discuss
Replying to a resident on social media, the Sandown Mayor, Cllr Paddy Lightfoot, said,

“Two councillors have withdrawn support for the agenda item.

“The EGM as such can still go ahead, but there is now no agenda to discuss.”

Image: Jana Knorr under CC BY 2.0

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