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A lot has happened in the last year, but the Ryde Community Action Group have not given up and continue to fight to bring back Ryde Arena for the Isle of Wight community of ice skaters, ice hockey players and more.
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There'll be wide disappointment the Ryde Ice Rink won't be coming back into use while the future of the arena is decided.
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There's free entry to see the Solent Hawks take on the Solent Scorpions at Ryde Arena from 6pm on Saturday. Why not try it out. Always a great atmosphere.
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Unable to work for the foreseeable future due to the serious injury, a GoFundMe appeal has been set up by Aidan's teammates
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More time has been allowed for negotiations to continue for a community takeover.
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As well as speaking out about the likes of AEW and Ryde Arena, Bob Seely said building homes for second-home owners "is bad for our community and dreadful for our visitor economy"
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Playoffs start this weekend for Wightlink Raiders
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Raiders thrashed the Hornets home and away at the weekend with a 9-1 aggregate