Spring Forward, Fall Back: What Are Your Views On Daylight Saving?

We hope you all remembered to change your clocks to go back an hour today.

Clock towerIf like us, you spent years forgetting which way the clocks should go each autumn and spring, just remember the American phrase, “Spring Forward, Fall Back”.

The ongoing debate about the way clocks work in the United Kingdom received a boost last week, as the Government agreed to back the Daylight Saving Bill.

Three-year trial
If the bill is passed it would result in a three-year trial to bring our clocks into line with Europe.

This in turn would lead to more daylight in the South, but less in the North. However, it needs the approval of the Governments in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales before being going ahead.

The Government said,

It is only right that we at least look at what the potential economic and social benefits of any change might be. As the Prime Minister has made clear we would need consensus from the devolved administrations if any change were to take place. We have therefore tabled amendments to the current Bill to make sure that it addresses these concerns.

It’s said that for many, the extra daylight hours could mean a boost to the economy, greater safety for children in the afternoon and a reduction in energy use.

What do you think?

Image: TJ Morris under CC BY 2.0