St Catherine's residential students and staff

St Catherine’s School: A beacon of excellence in special education on the Isle of Wight

A specialist school on the Isle of Wight that educates students with speech, language, communication needs and associated disabilities, has received an outstanding Ofsted grade for their residential provision.

St Catherine’s School and college in Ventnor, has received an ‘Outstanding Residential Provision’ Ofsted rating.

Thompson: Integrated working supports the students to flourish and achieve
Sarah Thompson, Principal at St Catherine’s, said,

“I am extremely proud of the dedication of the staff and students and the Ofsted report is reflective of this.

“The integrated working of all departments supports the students to flourish and achieve and it is wonderful that the inspectors were able to see this during their visit.”

Ofsted findings
The full inspection took place in March and found pupils had an ‘extremely positive’ relationship with staff and as a result, they feel ‘safe, secure, well looked after and prepared for the future’.

The inspectors commented that the students “receive warm and nurturing care and support from the dedicated staff team” and continue to detail the holistic approach to their learning across all aspects of their life, where they are making good progress. 

Exemplary safeguarding and inspirational leaders
Safeguarding at the school and college was noted as ‘exemplary’ with inspirational leaders that support staff and promote a culture and ethos of high aspirations for all students.

Parents report that  ‘the care team always goes the extra mile’ and that their children have ‘come on in leaps and bounds.’ 

To view the full report in full please visit the St Catherine’s Website.

News shared by Tanya on behalf of St Catherine’s. Ed