St Helens fort walk - ed mew

St Helens Fort Walk: Over 2,000 people took part (video)

An estimated 2,000 people took part in the annual unofficial St Helens and Bembridge Fort Walk last night (Wednesday) within a window of about an hour.

No major incidents
Alan Doe from RNLI Bembridge – who did the walk himself – told OnTheWight they had their D-Class vessel in attendance as well as Bembridge Coastguard being on the scene.

The walk passed off without any major incidents.

Safer from St Helens
Alan told us that the walk is generally safer from St Helens than Bembridge, as when the fort was built a causeway was also built.

Although some people were wading through water up to their chests, the majority of walkers would not have got their shorts wet.

Aerial video
Our thanks to Richard Manser of SafeSite IOW for sharing this great aerial drone video shot last night.

Thanks also to Ed Mew for sharing his shots of walkers from St Helens (top picture) and this one below of walkers taking the short cut from Bembridge.

Click on image to see larger version
Walkers taking the short cut from Bembridge by Ed Mew

Thanks also to Bembridge RNLI for use of their shots too.

Fort Walk 2017 by Bembridge RNLI
Fort Walk 2017 by Bembridge RNLI
Fort Walk 2017 by Bembridge RNLI

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