Success For Heritage Open Day

Last weekend saw Heritage Open Days return to the Isle of Wight.

Success For Heritage Open DayThose organising the Heritage Open Days in Alexandra Gardens, Ventnor report a very successful footfall over the weekend.

Around 400 people visited No.3 and No.5 Alexandra Gardens over the two open days, which considering the miserable weather on Saturday afternoon was a great result.

This year, for the first time, visitors were treated to an open door policy at the Windsor Carlton (No.3) and Sunday’s more agreeable weather allowed visitors the opportunity to enjoy Pimm’s in the Windsor Carlton garden.

Local film-maker John Whatley was busy shooting footage at the Open Days and Ventnor TV have a promotional film available to view on their Website

Unveiling of the Blue Plaque
Sunday saw The Ventnor History Society unveil a new blue plaque on the corner of Alexandra Gardens and Pier Street.

The blue plaque commemorates the site of the mill, which in some form or another was recorded as standing on the Alexandra Gardens site from 1327 until demolition in 1875.

Image: The Ventnor History Society Curator, Graham Bennett