Tatler Loves The Isle of Wight

Tatler, the fashion/society magazine with the oh-so-posh image, is in love with the Isle of Wight.

Tatler Loves The Isle of WightTheir July issue has an Isle of Wight feature in the Great British Escape section that is stretches over a couple of double-page spreads (also spotted by Charlotte Hofton).

It covers things to do, well-known people who have visited over the years and places to stay.

Ventnor’s picked out as “the hippest hub on the Island.”

Magic Tatler-dust
Somewhat controversially the where to stay section is subtitled “Whatever anyone tells you, there really are only two hotels to properly consider.”

We imagine that there’s a few Island hotel owners who will be less that pleased by that.

It’s The Royal Hotel in Ventnor and The George in Yarmouth that have magic Tatler-dust sprinkled on them.