Laura Ashley launch art competition, inviting artists to draw inspiration from their natural surroundings. It could see the Isle of Wight featured in LA products next year.
Matt Hancock saying “Where the Isle of Wight leads, Britain follows” to the nation was somewhat surprising. Now it’s on a T-shirt! Wear it with pride and have a warm fuzzy feeling as all proceeds go towards a new youth programme called Brave Island
We're really excited about the Royal Revival weekend in October. Two evening events open to Islanders to book individually, or you can treat yourselves and stay for the weekend. It's going to be fab!
Make sure you check out Wayzgoose, Christmas Sale at Jubilee Stores, Newport Quay on Friday night or all day Saturday. A great opportunity to purchase unique and interesting gifts for friends and family (or yourself). A range of prices to suit all.
If you have any posters, pins, photos, artefacts or anything related to punk on the Island and its legacy that you'd like to loan as part of our punk exhibition, then get in touch with Quay Arts.