White-Tailed Eagle G324 by Ainsley Bennett

Return of the White-Tailed Eagle to the Isle of Wight (photos)

One of the White-Tailed Eagles released on the Isle of Wight last year, who had not been seen here since June, has returned.

An update posted to the Roy Dennis Foundation Website reveals that G324, a young female, who had been on the Island for her entire first winter, has spent the last two months in Scotland, 370 miles north of the Isle of Wight.

White-Tailed Eagle G324 by Ainsley Bennett

Before her trip, G324 had only left the Island once, when she had a six-day trip to North Norfolk and back.

Roy Dennis explains,

“We wondered whether G324 would visit the release site once she was back on the Isle of Wight, and sure enough, she has been seen there with this year’s released juveniles and G274, on Wednesday morning by Lucy Allen who has provided some valuable assistance to Project Officer Steve Egerton-Read in recent weeks.

“It is going to be fascinating to see how G324 behaves over the coming days now she is back on the Isle of Wight. Will she go back to her favourite haunts from last winter, or remain close to the release site with G274 and the 2020 juveniles? Whatever the case, the fact she has returned shows that she regards the Island as home.”

White-Tailed Eagle G324 by Ainsley Bennett

You can read Roy’s blog to find out the full details about all the Isle of Wight’s White-Tailed Eagles.

Image: © With kind permission of Ainsley Bennett Photography