Infographic - Transforming Travel on the Isle of Wight

There have been 502,000 fewer car trips on the Isle of Wight in last two years, say council (updated)

Over 500,000 car trips have been saved by an Isle of Wight council ‘active travel programme’ aimed at promoting sustainable modes and reducing car use on the Island.

The ‘Transforming Travel on the Isle of Wight: Transition to Transformation’ programme has been running since 2017, following the Isle of Wight Council’s successful £1.35m funding bid to the Department for Transport.

The three-year programme aims to deliver a range of initiatives to enable and encourage local residents and visitors to travel around the Island sustainably – by walking, cycling, car sharing and using public transport more.

502,000 fewer car trips
In its first two years the independent assessment has estimated the Transforming Travel programme has saved 502,000 car trips (353,000 car driver trips and 149,000 car passenger trips).

This has saved an estimated 6,259,000 car km and the release of almost 1,130 tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions.

Transforming Travel on the Isle of Wight

Ward: Continues to make good progress
Councillor Ian Ward, Cabinet member for infrastructure and transport, said:

“It is great our active travel projects continue to make good progress, and that the latest external assessment indicates a reduction in private car use amongst visitors, and for resident journeys to employment and education.

“By prompting over 500,000 new trips by active and sustainable modes, the programme will also have contributed to improving the health and well-being of residents and visitors.”

Increased use of sustainable transport
The programme has also increased use of sustainable transport – generating in the region of 131,000 bus passenger trips, 126,000 cycling trips and 387,000 additional walking trips.

In addition to the council, partner organisations involved with the ‘Transforming Travel on the Isle of Wight: Transition to Transformation’ include Isle of Wight College, Visit Isle of Wight and Wight Cycle Training.

You can find out more about the programme on the IWC Website.

Reports for the last two years can be found below. Click on the full screen icon to see larger version.

Article edit
2.46pm 4th February 2020 – Reports embedded for readers’ convenience

News shared by Isle of Wight council. Ed

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