Ventnor Wall Lizard and yellow flower

Town Councillor calls on colleagues to support blanket ban on use of Glyphosate

The online petition to ban the use of glyphosate weed killer by the Isle of Wight council’s contractors has reached almost 4,000 signatures.

Now the councillor on Ventnor Town Council (VTC) who launched the petition is putting forward a motion calling on the VTC to write to the Isle of Wight Council (IWC) demanding a ban on the use of the chemical in the town, to protect the famous Ventnor Wall Lizards and other wildlife.

Cllr Mark Jefferies will go on to propose that VTC makes sure all their contractors do not use Glyphosate.

Once agreed and actioned, he proposes that VTC’s response is publicised to encourage other Town and Parish councils to follow suit.

WHO classification
In his motion, being heard at next Monday’s VTC meeting, Cllr Jefferies will explain that in 2015, the World Health Organisation increased the rating attached to Glyphosate from being a possible carcinogen to probable.

This is the second highest classification.

Freshwater ban use of Glyphosate
He adds that last week, Freshwater Parish Council passed a motion to ban the use of Glyphosate by their contractors and requested a blanket ban.

Cllr Jefferies’ petition to stop the use of Glyphosate weed killer on the Isle of Wight now stands at 3,872 signatures and includes support from TV presenter, campaigner and activist, Chris Packham.

Jordan: Continuing to search for a sustainable alternative
The Cabinet member responsible for highways and infrastructure, Cllr Phil Jordan, told the recent Full Council meeting that they are “continuing to search for a sustainable alternative and we discuss all these issues with the contractor at the highest level”.

Bacon: Would like to put my weight behind seeking better alternatives
Cllr Jonathan Bacon, the Cabinet member for the environment, said he supported looking to better ways to tackle the growth of weeds on roads and footways. He said,

“Having spoken to the Director of Neighbourhoods we are supporting careful selective use of glyphosate, while it is still going to be used, and particularly being mindful of wildlife where they may be affected, but certainly I would like to put my weight behind seeking better alternatives.

“It is plain the glyphosate can not be the only way to deal with weeds, I know that it’s a problem that has come up in various councils across the country, but it still seems that research is in early stages, but certainly we would support the research to find an effective alternative that is better for our environment.”

Cllr Jefferies will be putting forward his motion on Monday 14th March from 7pm at the Ventnor Town Council meeting, The Green Room, Salisbury Gardens, Dudley Road.

Image: © Benjamin Tonner