joe robertson and greg hands in ventnor

Trade Minister Greg Hands supports Joe Robertson at Isle of Wight East campaign launch

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News shared by Suzie Ellis on behalf of Joe Robertson. Ed

Joe Robertson, the Conservative Candidate for Isle of Wight East, officially launched his campaign today at Cheetah Marine in Ventnor. He was joined by Trade Minister Greg Hands MP, local councillor Ed Blake, and dozens of local supporters, as well as Cheetah Marine’s managers.

During the launch, Joe Robertson and Greg Hands toured the Cheetah yard, observing boats being outfitted for shipment to the mainland and the Netherlands.

Other priorities outlined
The event’s focus was on business and job creation, but Joe also outlined his priorities for improving community care and supporting local schools. He emphasised his commitment to making the Island an even better place to live, work, and grow up, drawing on his perspective as both an Islander and Father.

A local success story
Joe said,

“Cheetah Marine is a local success story.

“From designing and testing boats to meet the rigours of the waters off Ventnor for 35 years, to employing over 35 local people today and exporting around the world, they exemplify what we need more of on the Island.

“The new MP for East Wight must attract business investment and create secure, permanent employment to encourage young people to stay and working families to move here.”

Reopening Leeson Road
The visit also included a meeting with local residents on Leeson Road, where Joe and Greg were joined by local Councillors Ed Blake and Rodney Downer.

They inspected the monitoring equipment installed in the area and agreed that the Council and Island Roads should expedite efforts to reopen the road, which is crucial for supporting the town.

Local resident Gill Evans commented on social media, saying it was,

“Refreshing to meet Joe Robertson and Greg Hands.”

See Joe Robertson’s website for more information about his campaign.