Richard Quigley

Richard Quigley shares his vision for Isle of Wight as West Wight Labour candidate

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News shared by Richard. in how own words. Ed

Labour’s candidate in the next general election, Richard Quigley, has outlined what he wants to achieve for the Island if elected.

“For too long, our Island has felt like a poor cousin of the mainland. The situation has got worse over recent years, with cuts to council funding, ferry services in disarray and an NHS that only works if you don’t get ill.

“It’s not news that the Conservative government and our MP have let us down. Time and time again I am stopped by people saying they are fed up with nothing working and we need a change.

“The Labour Party, if elected, will be a mission-led government, and what matters to me is making those missions work for our Island.”

Missions for the Island
His missions for the Isle of Wight include:

  • Levelling up through improved and cheaper ferry services
  • Using the talents we already have to create more green jobs
  • Education for all and improving a broken SEND system
  • Ensuring all Islanders have the chance of a front door they can call their own
  • Supporting an NHS that works for our community
  • Backing our police to make us feel safe again

He went on to say,

“As your MP my job will be to champion the Island in Westminster. Not just represent Westminster on the Island.”

See Richard Quigley’s website for more information about his mission.